@article{oai:kochireha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000126, author = {山崎, 裕司 and 上村, 朋美 and 中屋, 久長 and 山本, 双一 and 平賀, 康嗣 and 片山, 訓博 and 重島, 晃史 and 高地, 正音}, journal = {高知リハビリテーション学院紀要, Journal of Kochi Rehabilitation Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {筋力増強訓練の基礎的データを得るため,重錘バンドを用いて膝伸展筋群・股伸展筋群・股外転筋群・股屈曲筋群の1RM値を測定した.対象は,健常女性20例20脚(右脚)で,年齢は19.7歳,体重50.4kg,身長153.6cmであった.1Repetition Maximum(以下1RM)の平均値は,膝伸展筋群12.6±3.7kgf,股伸展筋群12.7±3.6kgf,股外転筋群8.7±2.6kgf,股屈曲筋群12.1±3.4kgfであった.1RM体重比の平均値は,膝伸展筋群0.24±0.07kgf/kg,股伸展筋群0.24±0.06kgf/kg,股外転筋群0.16±0.05kgf/kg,股屈曲筋群0.23±0.06kgf/kgであった.股関節外転筋力は,他の筋群に比べ有意に低値を示した(p<0.01 )., In oeder to obtain the basic data of muscle strengthening execise,1RM value of knee extensor and hip extersor,hip abductor,hip flexor was measured using the weight band.The subjects were 20 healthy women aged 19.7(weight 50.4kg,height 153.6cm).The muscle force values were knee extensor 12.6±3.7kgf,hip extensor 12.7±3.6kgf,hip abductor 8.7±2.6kgf,hip flexor 12.1±3.4kgf.The muscle force body weight ratios were knee extensor 0.24±0.07kgf/kg,hip extensor 0.24±0.06kgf/kg,hip abductor 0.16±0.05kgf/kg,hip flexor 0.23±0.06kgf/kg.The muscle force value of hip abductor was significantly lower in comparison with other muscle groups(p<0.01).}, pages = {9--12}, title = {下肢筋群1Repetition Maximumの測定}, volume = {11}, year = {2010} }